The 15 and 16 February 2022 was the launch of the ANTYGONE project in Paris (France) on the topic of theatre and inclusion of disadvantaged young people!
A wonderful sharing of ideas to start this two-year adventure.
The key aim of the meeting was to get to know each other better, exchange experience and build the transnational team. After this two days, all partners have a clear understanding of how each partner planned activities will contribute to the project and the methods. Particular attention was given to the timing of each activity, and the days allocated to their achievement.
Potential risks and opportunities was highlighted covering the early stages of the project.
Next step in Palermo in September for a train the trainers session on the methodology developed by Teatro alla Guilla (Italy).
With Kulturanova (Serbia) and Divadlo bez domova (Slovakia).
#antygoneproject #kulturanova #alteregox #divodlobezdomova #teatroallguilla #europeanproject #erasmus+ #paris