From 22nd to 25th May we were so happy to meet again for our third transnational meeting in Palermo, Italy !
Hosted by Teatro alla Guilla, all partners were here: Divadlo bez domova (Slovakia), Kulturanova (Serbia), ALTER EGO X (France). We:
Shared long and fascinating stories about our pilot sessions and what happened. What came out was :
Theatre can definitely be used so that people who are usually not "visible" can be seen;
There can be different problems depending on the audience. For instance, people with psychiatric troubles have huge problems for memorising, improvisation techniques are then interesting;
Divadlo bez domova shared his Greek concept of Kalokagatia, the harmony between body and soul;
We questioned disadvantage: what do we mean by "disadvantaged youth"? Social inclusion means everything: mostly after the pandemic where everyone is disoriented.
We pointed out that artists do not necessarily have the skills and ability to work with specific audiences, do not necessarily have the skills of a social workers. How to transfer this kind of skills, of language?
Now, the next step is gonna be to write about how is ANTYGONE adapted, or integrated to our own theatre techniques. Let's write our next intellectual outputs!
We have to confess we were also happy to come back to this beautiful city after an intense training in October 2022, and share more stories around canolli and arancinis - food is so important in European projects !
#antygoneproject #kulturanova #alteregox #divodlobezdomova #teatroallguilla #europeanproject #erasmus+